Friday, 26 April 2019

Dispatch Issue #5

Summary: Many seniors skipped school on senior skip day. This led to $17,000 lost in in funding on March 15th for the school.
1.  Assistant Principal Lawrence Britton, Clara Provenzi, and Andrea Bowen.
2."We are losing money to provide services for them and what they need."
3. Yes
4. Quote

Summary: Social media and certain type of music has led to teen depression. The author thinks teen depression can't be prevented.
1.Nobody is quoted
2. No quotes
4. statement

Summary: Bryan Baugher and his son work during SXSW. They sell drinks and food in the event.
1.Tipton Baugher and Angelle Guilbeau
2."[The experience]is always so much fun,"

In-Depth story
Summary: People talk about climate change and how it affects us. Some people
1.Zach Baumer and Ashley Spiro
2."Right now we are already seeing the effects of climate change in the form of extreme heat, flooding, wildfire and drought,"

Summary: A freshman got ranked 99 out of the top 100 wide receivers for the class of 2022 in Texas. He wants to keep pursuing in football.
1.Adrian Rodriguez
2."I want to work and play harder so that I can one day be number one."
4. Quote

1.My favorite photo would be the one for teen depression and bullying.
1A. It is an interesting picture.
2.The one on the front o the newspaper.
2A. Bland background
3.The one on AFF and Bowie working together.
4. Some strong points are the made up pictures and the composition of the photos. Maybe just make the pictures more interesting.

1. My favorite story I read is the one on SXSW.
1A. I think working for SXSW is interesting.
2. The football one.
2A. I don't like sports.
3. Maybe more news on certain clubs or the school threat from the student.

Monday, 22 April 2019

Merger Photo

1. One thing that could be a problem is that the clothes that we wear wouldn't stand out and blend into the environment.
2. Some great places o take pictures on the bowie campus would be anything with a bland background.
3.Spell my name could work as a photo.
4. Anything with bright colors or could stand out against the background.

Monday, 15 April 2019

HDR Photography

cityscapered rock

1. Some manipulations to the camera you will need to make an HDR photo is the camera should have an AEB function and software that has HDR photo manipulation.
2. A camera that has AEB or HDR, a tripod, and software that has HDR manipulation.
3. A reason a person might use HDR is to show high contrast of a photo,  show more of the colors in a dull image, and or to prevent blown out highlights or flat shadows.
4. The multiple photos merged together will show more range of colors and will make the image sharper than if it is jus on image.

Monday, 1 April 2019

Movie Review Prep

1. I would expect to see Captain Philips, some of the more important crew members, and the Somalian Pirates.
2. I expect the plot to be about Captain Philips a little before the pirates take over the ship. Then the four pirates take over the ship. Then they destroy the boat the pirates were on. The crew members then take hostage of one of the pirates and try to escape. They tried to exchange the pirate for Captain Philips, but the pirates took Philips. Then people came to get Captain Philips. The three pirates who captured Captain Philips are then shot down and then Captain Philips gets saved.
3. This Story is so important because it lead to the decrease of Somalian pirate attacks.
4. The pirates tried to take the ship because it had Cargo on it.

1.Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, and Faysal Ahmed.
2. PG-13
3. Paul Greengrass
4.Dana Brunetti, Michael de Luca, and Scott Rudin are some of the producers of this movie.
5. It won the Bafta Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role and the Writers Guild of America Award for Best Adapted Screenplay
6. 55 million dollars
7. Most audiences liked it.
8. Most movie reviewers thought the movie was very well done.

Final Exam Preview

1. I have made a video on Youtube, on my phone, Snapchat, and a little bit on an old movie camera that uses cassettes.
2. A big difference using a GoPro or a DSLR camera compared to a phone is the options given compared to a phone and the image quality.
3. The video ideas will be my day at school, what I do the entire week, or how to cook something.
4. I could still images to show the passage of time or what to do for cooking.
5. Some audio I could use is music that I listen that fits into what is going on. Also me narrating what is happening.