Monday, 27 August 2018

News Values

Timeliness: The news article just took place yesterday, so it is very new and fresh in people's minds. 3 dead as gunman hits gaming event.
Found at the Austin American Statesman
Proximity: The news article is talking about the percentage of dogs and cats not euthanized in Austin animal shelters. Milestone 99 percent live releases
Found at the Austin American Statesman
Prominence: The news article fits with this news value because John McCain was a important political figure and a war hero. 'He truly was a giant in the Senate'
Found at the Austin American Statesman
Impact: The news article shows that the relationship between the U.S.and North Korea getting worse. N. Korea newspaper: U.S. plotting to 'unleash a war' 
Found at Austin American Statesman
Conflict: Two political figures are fighting for a spot in the U.S. Senate.
O'Rourke inspires McCaul opponent
Found at Austin American Statesman
Human Interest: This article shows that people are emotional about the death of John McCain.
Texas leaders offer their tributes to McCain 
Found a Austin American Statesman
Novelty: Thousands of people have a tomato food fight in eastern Spain. This is very strange and interesting. Spain's 'Tomatina': Thousands throw tomatoes

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