Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Commentary Brainstorm

  1.  One emotion was boredom which was caused by not being engaged by certain teachers at school. Another one was stress because of getting assignments in on time.  Another is happiness because I am with my friends.
  2.   One is completing all the assignments that are due. Another is beating a level in a video game. Lastly was when I finished watching a movie I enjoyed.
  3.  I worry about losing all my friends, making a fool out of myself, and not getting through the school year.
  4.  Things that frustrate me is how mentally challenged people are treated by other kids, homework, and bullying.
  5.  Three things I need are food, water, and my house.
  6.  Three things that teachers probably worry about are the kids at school that struggle, their home life, and helping with certain kids who struggle.
  7.  Three things that teachers view as accomplishments are being able help a student, when kids get high grades, and a student understanding something that they didn't before.
  8.  Three things I like about the school community are some teachers, some students, and it isn't nowhere as bad a my middle school.
  9.  Three things I dislike about school are kids getting bullied, sort of a lack of activities outside of sports, and a lot of kids being terrible people.
  10.  One trend is that kids listen to a lot of rap music.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

News Evaluation

Story 1
1.Who: Mr. Robinson and Ruth Ann Wilder
What: Bowie got a high average accountability rating.
When:This year
Where:Bowie Middle School
Why: Cause students had high grades and attendance.
How: Teachers taught the students well.
2. Bowie has an average accountability rating of 97 while the district has one of 89. It's expected that the students will continue to be excellent and keep those distinctions.
3.Mr Robinson and Ruth Ann Wilder. Both have direct quotes.
4.No opinions
5.It does
Story 2
1.Who:Mr Robinson and Simoon Saiyed
What:Controversy over parking spot art
When:This year
Why: Some students couldn't use certain images for their parking lot.
How: They weren't evaluated correctly.
2.There was a controversy with some of the student's parking lots. Some students couldn't get certain symbols while others were.
3. Mark Robinson, Simoon Saiyed, Kennedy Hartman's, and Wesley Hartman were all directly quoted. opinions
Story 3
1. Who:Students
What: School AC being fixed
When: Over the summer and currently
Where: Bowie High School
Why: AC broke
How: Pipes deteriorated
2.The AC broke for Bowie High School. The AC is trying to be fixed right now.
3.Viviane Harle, Mark Robinson, Jeni Garcia, Miranda Cardenes are all direct quotes. opinions
5.Yes, it does.
Story 4
1. Who:New Counselors
What: Bowie gets new counselors.
When: Beginning of school year.
Where:Bowie High School
Why: Most of the counselors left.
How: There were opportunities for new counselors.
2. New counselors are at Bowie. They are not having trouble with getting used to Bowie.
3. Mr Robinson, Anne Ippolito, Laura Loza, and Taina Gomez were quoted directly.
4.No opinions
Story 5
1. Who: Students and teachers
What:Traffic troubles
When: January 2018
Where: Slaughter and Mopac
Why: Traffic Construction
How: Construction to make traffic happen less.
2. The traffic is getting really bad at Slaughter and Mopac because of construction. Students are getting into lots of traffic jams just getting to school.
3.Claire Richardson, Sarah Rolan, Jessica Davis, and  Darrey Kanneman are directly quoted.

Avoiding mergers



Rule of Thirds



Monday, 22 October 2018


Story 1
1.doesn't say.
2. Ideacide and self censorship
3. The person thinks that how to avoid self censorship
5. No
7. second person
Story 2
1. Cianna Chairez and Abby Ong
2. Talking about Journalism is the focus of the journalism staff
3. They think that people should tell them what to do to improve the dispatch.
7.second person
Story 3
1.Carter Scruggs
2.Political views of students
3.They think that people should have an opinion on politics, but it shouldn't control everything about them.
7.second person
Story 4
1. Ian Miller and Jake Brien
2. Different opinions on ID's
3. Ian thinks that the ID's are good because they help with security and also aren't that annoying. Jake thinks that Id's aren' good because they aren't enough for security.
5.Yes because Ian thinks that if we learn different ways to help us be protected, then we don't have to worry.
7. first person
Story 5
1. Natalie Aman
2. College Applications
3. Paying for college applications isn't a good system.
5.If they make the prices cheaper, then yes.
7.first person
A.The differences between a news story and an opinions piece are that opinions are first person, news stories aren't opinionated, and news stories are unbiased.
B. There aren't many photos on this page because its someones opinion on something, so not many photos are needed for that.
C. New counselors, traffic problems, and air conditioning for school.