- One emotion was boredom which was caused by not being engaged by certain teachers at school. Another one was stress because of getting assignments in on time. Another is happiness because I am with my friends.
- One is completing all the assignments that are due. Another is beating a level in a video game. Lastly was when I finished watching a movie I enjoyed.
- I worry about losing all my friends, making a fool out of myself, and not getting through the school year.
- Things that frustrate me is how mentally challenged people are treated by other kids, homework, and bullying.
- Three things I need are food, water, and my house.
- Three things that teachers probably worry about are the kids at school that struggle, their home life, and helping with certain kids who struggle.
- Three things that teachers view as accomplishments are being able help a student, when kids get high grades, and a student understanding something that they didn't before.
- Three things I like about the school community are some teachers, some students, and it isn't nowhere as bad a my middle school.
- Three things I dislike about school are kids getting bullied, sort of a lack of activities outside of sports, and a lot of kids being terrible people.
- One trend is that kids listen to a lot of rap music.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Commentary Brainstorm
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