Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Final Exam Part 3

 Field trips are something that we get as kind of a reward for being at school. Whether it is going to a famous monument or an amusement park, field trips are a fun distraction from school where you can hang out with your friends. However, the principal is thinking of cancelling field trips. So to the principal, I think this is a terrible idea, and this is why I think so.

So I know you are thinking of saving money, and that’s why you are thinking of cancelling field trips. Well don’t we pay for most of the field trips anyway? Most of the field trips aren’t free, so we pay to support the budget. We pay to get an award pretty much.

Now you might say what if not enough people pay for the field trip? I think that most kids want to go on a field trip regardless of what the field trip is. If the field trip doesn’t interest the students, make them more exciting to go to. Also just raise the price for the place they are going to for the field trip if you are worried about money.

You might feel that maybe we don’t deserve the field trip. Well, most of the more enjoyable field trips are for electives that support the school. Also I think that going to school is enough of a hard time to deserve a field trip.

Some kids don’t work their hardest, and maybe that’s enough of a reason to not do field trips. To that I say what about the majority of students who go to school. They work to the most they can manage. I don’t think a handful of students who don’t do that is going tomae the greatest difference.

To those kids who maybe don’t work their hardest, they probably haven’t got enough support from teachers or their families. Maybe they have something else going on that they haven't told anybody that affects their learning. A field trip would give them a break from a hard time at home or at school.

 For all these reasons, that’s why I think you shouldn’t cancel field trips for the rest of the year. They give people some freedom they maybe couldn’t have at school. Besides, there are hundreds if not thousands of other ways to get more of a budget. Hopefully these are reason enough to maybe rethink cancelling field trips.

Final Exam Part 2

A 19-year-old shoplifting suspect Timothy Milan died last Saturday. A guard at Panzer's Department Store told police he saw the Milan stuff two sweaters down his pants legs, then walk past a checkout line and out of the department store. The guard then began to chase Milan, who ran, and three bystanders joined in the pursuit. They caught up with Milan, and, when he resisted, one of the bystanders applied a headlock to him.

 A police officer who arrived at the scene reported that Milan collapsed as he put handcuffs on him. An autopsy conducted to determine the cause of death revealed that Milan died due to a lack of oxygen to the brain. Police today said they do not plan to charge anyone involved in the case with a crime. The police said the bystanders did not mean to injure Milan or to kill him, but that he was fighting violently—punching and kicking at his captors and even trying to bite them—and that they were simply trying to restrain him and trying to help capture a suspected criminal.

"It was a case of excusable homicide," Police spokesman Michael Williams said. "Milan should never have run from the guard, we believe he had a run in with police in the past."

Timothy Milan's father, Eric Milan wants to press charges against the man who did this to his son.

"We plan to bring civil charges against the man who did this to my son," Eric said.
"Our lawyers are already filing papers and we encourage the courts to revisit this ruling from a criminal perspective."

Eye witness Sherry Carter tells what she saw about the police chase.

"We went outside to see what was going to happen and we saw the boy get dragged to the ground," Carter said. "They were fighting alright, but it looked like all four of them were pulling at him and he finally stopped moving."

Panzer's Department Store manger Paula Smith tells her apologies for what happened to Timothy.

"We are sorry for the death of the young man, it was never our intentions for these kinds of things to happen," Smith said. "We are currently looking at revising our policies regarding shoplifting and how we keep these kinds of things from happening."

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Final Exam Review

1. Timeliness: How new the facts are.
2. Proximity: How close the the event is to you.
3. Human Interest: The drama people have in an emotional struggle.
4. Prominence: How newsworthy the story is.
5. Conflict: Two or more opposing forces.
6. Interviews: Interviewing people for the news story.
7. Research: You look up the topic or issue for a news story.
8. Quotations: What a person said in quotes.
9. Yes-no question: A question that has the answer of yes or no.
10. follow-up question: Questions to show that we are listening.
11. Objective writing: Unbiased and neutral writing.
12. Transition paragraph: Transitions into a quote.
13. Hard news story: News that is in the front of a paper.
14. Soft news story: A news story that is background information or human interests stories.
15. Inverted Pyramid: A structure of putting the most important information in the beginning of the news story.
16. Third-person point of view: A point of view that doesn't use I or we.
17. 5 Ws and H lead: A lead that explains the 5 W's and H.
18. editing: Making corrections for a news story.
19. attribution: Identifying a sources first and last name.
20. paraphrase: Saying information in your own words.
21. fragmentary quotation: A quote that is incomplete.
22. direct quotation: Direct quotes of what a person said.
23. partial quotation: A quote that is incomplete.
24. Uses of quotations: Transcribes what someone says.
25. When to use quotations:After a lead or transition.
26. When quotations are unnecessary or not desired:
27. Editorial: An editors opinion on a subject.
28. editorial page: An editorial page on a newspaper.
29. columns: An opinion of the column writer.
30. editorial that criticizes: An editorial that shows a persons opinion on something.
31. editorial that explains: Editorial that explains a topic.
32. editorial that persuades: Editorial that persuades the reader.
33. letter to the editor: Write a letter to the editor.

The Big Day

Who: David Summers, Samantha Schindler, and Arnold Nowell
What:David is late for his friend's wedding, but makes it barely on time.
When: Recently.
Where: He started on the road and made it at the place.
Why: He was busy.
How: He was far away from where the wedding was at.
David was late for his friend's wedding. It was raining. He is wearing a suit and tie. He touches his forehead. A girl is getting married. Individual man #1 and #2.The bride is very happy. He is driving in the forest.  He had to drive a long time to get to the wedding. Individual man #1 is wearing a formal suit. David looks at his watch. Man #1 looks at his watch. David stops before a car. He passes through the car. David is on a bridge. The bride is looking out the window. He had to stop a while because a train was passing through. He gets frustrated and shouts. man #1 shuts the door.
David gets to to the door. He gets there right where the bride and groom are. She looks down.

David Summers was late for the bride Samantha Schindler's wedding. He had to drive a lot to get to her wedding. When he got there, she looked down.

"It looked like she didn't want to see me," Summer said. "I felt like I had let her down for being late to her wedding."

Summer was extremely determined to get to her wedding.

"I tried my hardest to get there," Summers said. "I just couldn't make it on time.¨

While Summers was trying to get to her wedding, Schindler was getting ready for it.

¨I was getting ready with my bridesmaids all around me,¨ Schindler said. ¨I was excited to finally be a married woman.¨

Arnold Nowell was excited for his wedding.

"I was so happy that Samantha was going to be my wife," Nowell said. She was probably as ecstatic as I was."

Summers had to go through many troubles to get Schindler's wedding.

¨It felt like everything was against me,¨ Summers said. ¨I had to go through the rain, slow drivers, and waited forever when a train came through.¨

 Right before the wedding starts, Schindler looks out the window.

"I was wondering where David and Arnold were," Schindler said. "My dad was looking at his watch so I knew the wedding was going to start soon."

Samantha didn't like that Summers was late to her wedding.

"He came in right when I was about to say I do," Schindler said. "I wasn't happy top see him there so late."