Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Final Exam Part 3

 Field trips are something that we get as kind of a reward for being at school. Whether it is going to a famous monument or an amusement park, field trips are a fun distraction from school where you can hang out with your friends. However, the principal is thinking of cancelling field trips. So to the principal, I think this is a terrible idea, and this is why I think so.

So I know you are thinking of saving money, and that’s why you are thinking of cancelling field trips. Well don’t we pay for most of the field trips anyway? Most of the field trips aren’t free, so we pay to support the budget. We pay to get an award pretty much.

Now you might say what if not enough people pay for the field trip? I think that most kids want to go on a field trip regardless of what the field trip is. If the field trip doesn’t interest the students, make them more exciting to go to. Also just raise the price for the place they are going to for the field trip if you are worried about money.

You might feel that maybe we don’t deserve the field trip. Well, most of the more enjoyable field trips are for electives that support the school. Also I think that going to school is enough of a hard time to deserve a field trip.

Some kids don’t work their hardest, and maybe that’s enough of a reason to not do field trips. To that I say what about the majority of students who go to school. They work to the most they can manage. I don’t think a handful of students who don’t do that is going tomae the greatest difference.

To those kids who maybe don’t work their hardest, they probably haven’t got enough support from teachers or their families. Maybe they have something else going on that they haven't told anybody that affects their learning. A field trip would give them a break from a hard time at home or at school.

 For all these reasons, that’s why I think you shouldn’t cancel field trips for the rest of the year. They give people some freedom they maybe couldn’t have at school. Besides, there are hundreds if not thousands of other ways to get more of a budget. Hopefully these are reason enough to maybe rethink cancelling field trips.

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