Monday, 7 January 2019

Welcome Back 2019

I like this photo cause you see one guy who isn't wearing a shirt and the others are in freezing temperatures.

The photo is very appealing with the fish swimming in the water.

The photo is very terrifying as you see the lava flowing out of the volcano.

My favorite song of 2018 is "Lightning Strike" on the album Firepower. The reasons its my favorite song of 2018 are the guitar work, fun and intense lyrics, and great singing. Also as a big fan of Judas Priest, this surprised me because they haven't done a song this since the 90's.

My favorite movie of 2018 is "Won't You be my Neighbor?". The reason is because it shows the person that Mr Rodgers was and what he believed in. Also it was the only movie that made me tear up this year.

The most important news story is the policy of Trump's policy of family separation at the border. This caused lots of immigrants who lived in the U.S. to go back without their families.

The most important person of 2018 in my opinion is Robert Mueller. The former FBI director has investigated Russian meddling in the 2016 election. His investigation led to more than 191 criminal charges against 32 people and three companies.

The biggest entertainment story of 2018 is the MeToo movement. Many big people in the entertainment industry were convicted of sexual assault in 2018 because of the MeToo movement. This movement was humongous in 2018 as many people told their stories of what happened to them.

1. One thing that happened during Winter Break that I will remember is that I went skiing.
2. My resolution for 2019 is to learn to play bass and get a girlfriend.
3.I am looking forward to hanging out with new friends.

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